February 06, 2012

let life guide you

blogs. a new world. a place to write and share. learn and grow. insprire and re-insprire.  

femme eclectique. one might wonder what that means. i still don't know. it came to me one day. it's the woman i am. eclectic. but i like the word better in french. and i also like the word woman in french too, so-that's where it all came from. i do speak french, so i feel warranted to have that choosing (not that i need warranting, but you know). my husband also speaks french- well, sort of. he speaks acadien. so it's a bit of a mix of french and english. i suppose i could have went that route, eclectique woman. but nope, femme eclectique is so much more me. and that's what i intend to be.

i've been reading lots of blogs lately. many different blogs and was reassured that like myself, some people start them without knowing exactly where it's all going. it's like life these days. starting things and letting life guide you, rather than always trying to guide life. if there's one thing i'm learning in life, it's that we have less and less control over things than we think we really do. as someone who likes control, it's a real learning curve for me. it's something i think i've always known, but have paid little attention to. instead i've just always planned, plannned, planned. however, throughout my indulgent practice of yoga i am learning to let go. this is not to say that planning is something one should not do. no, no. rather, it's all about balance. the balance of planning and learning to let go of that which we cannot plan or control. this planning and desire to plan with which i so inherently have been graced with is leading to positive changes in life.  i'm honing in on desires, needs to plan redirecting the energy to positive spaces.....i'll let you know where exactly that is....once i get there...i just know it's positive. i can feel it. i mean, i'm here and that's a start!

so this brings me to the main reason for this post:

planning our wedding-in three simple words: i loved it! absolutely LOVED it. every aspect, every detail. who knew a wedding brings forth so much growth-or at least it has the potential to, if you are willing to find it, listen to it, embrace it. that's what i did. i've always known that i love to plan things. planning our wedding taught me so much about myself and us as a couple. it's a day where you want to share your love with each other and your family and close friends. it's a reflection of who you are both individually and as a couple. that's exactly what our day was. since our wedding, we've both grown so much and of course will always continue to do so. for the course of our year engagement i checked several wedding websites, daily....okay...perhaps obsessively. but hey! that was all part of my journey to get me where i am today. it wasn't wasted time. it's was inspirational time. time spent rejuventaing my creative juices. which, i personally believe paid off pretty darn good in the end! our wedding was lovely. and i like to think it reflected us.  so, here's a taste of our wedding day.

i'm hoping this will be a space where i can share my love of all things vintage, wedding-ish, eco, musical, oceany, fashionable and the list goes on!

Here's a sneak peek  at a few of our wedding pics! All photos by http://www.laurenkayephotography.com/  check her out. she's fantabulous!

 my lovely ladies!
(their beautiful clutches with personalized inscription- made by http://www.oatmeallacedesign.com/)
 papa and i...i was nervous!
 love is happiness.
 grab a limb!
dancing. marvelous moment

stay tuned....
& remember...being eclectique, you never know what might blossom here.

1 comment:

  1. Love you, my dearest femme! Looking forward to more posts! xo


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