February 28, 2012

i love etsy. it's so inspiring and full of wonderfully handmade goodies.
check out these delicious slippers to warm your toes, while remaining zen-like. 

also, for the yoga and meditative lovers out there. we all need something like this to help cultivate being present....

sadly, this has sold before
 I had a chance to snatch it up! this just means something more beautiful from this lovely artiste awaits my discovery!

last but not least......

my soon-to-be purchase (not this particular one!)

Yoga Mat Bag made of a beautiful sari fabric with velvet trims and applique 

oh, last, last. just found this beauty of a hat! 
earthy green. gorgeous!
Slouch Beanie Slouchy Hat Button Hand Knit Winter Adult Teen Wool CHOOSE COLOR Olive Green Wood Forest Leaves Chunky Gift under 50

hope you're inspired. more femmefashion inspirations to come!

February 22, 2012

love and dedication

for those of you who know me, you know that  to me, fashion is art. i truly believe that for some people, it is a way of expressing themselves. i am one of those people. i've always had a liking for all things fashionable. being the eclectique femme, i'd say my fashion sense is eclectique, as well. i'm not certain i "fit" into any one style. rather, i like bits and pieces of different style genres, we'll say. what comes from all of that is simply my own unique style. one that is forever evolving.

i've often wondered where my love of fashion comes from and i have a pretty good idea of exactly where it began-my grandmothers bedroom. i believe i spent numerous minutes, which turned into hours, over the course of my life sitting in front of her mirror, trying on her jewelry. beads, beads and more beads. she had oodles of earings. and of course, what woman who had an afinity for all that, doesn't have copious amounts of shoes and purses. my grandmother was by no means rich. she saved her pennies and worked hard. she had a flare for fashion and always looked good.

so, to her i am thankful. thankful for my flare for fashion. as i child, i may or may not have changed my clothes four to five times in one day. that may or may not happen time and again, as an adult. some things never change. except, i don't throw it all in the laundry each time anymore...since i'm the one now doing the laundry. instead, on those days. it just goes on the floor. it's like a clothing art party, all over the floor. it gets returned to it's proper place, when the timing is right. 

so this post is dedicated to my grandmother-nanny crouse. who nurtured my love of fashion. who gave me a voice...an outlet for expression....in more ways than one.......

more to come on that next time.  

check out my fashion page on the blog. what will you wear tomorrow?

be true to you.
femme x

February 15, 2012

poetry for the heart

spring has sprung it's in the air
the chill is fading 'way.
i smell the leaves
beneath the snow 
waiting for the day.
when flowers bloom,
the earth wakes up
from its winter sleep.
i'll wait for you,
to you i'm always true.
come spring  
we'll dance the days away.

February 12, 2012

cultivating my roots & feeling grounded

well, it's been a fabulous weekend. i spent my weekend in the city at a yoga workshop. we were learning the practice of anusara yoga. i'm feeling extremely grounded. it was a lovely experience. i challenged my body in many ways and know i will continue to feel shifts within myself, as my muscles, organs heart and mind continue to be nourished from this weekends practice. i enjoyed the anusara style of yoga. i feel like i am on a yoga taste test journey. trying out different flavors, to see what is the sweetest and most delicious practice for my mind, body and spirit, at this moment in life. each day is a new journey and i welcome it with open arms and an open heart. 

the teachings of the weekend continue to replay in my mind. and some of those poses my body just wasn't ready for continue to revisit my mind as well. being the stubborn one that i am, i get frustrated when i can't "master" a pose. letting go of this desire for perfection is something i'm working on. letting go. letting go. letting gooooo. patience. these are my intentions for my practice.
like all things in life. intentions change, sort of like the weather. and that's okay. 

letting life guide me, there's another!


February 09, 2012

the no plan, plan.

since blogging is new to me, i hadn't really thought too much about the frequency with which i'll blog. however, sticking with my last blog post "let life guide you" i've decided to keep that as my mantra. i'll just let it happen. there won't be an "every second day" plan. my plan is not to plan....does that make it a plan? oh dear. it'll happen when it happens....i'll just stick with that!   

not much overly exciting going on here today, other than being extremely exhausted.....which isn't very exciting at all! i'm currently staring at a pile of clean towels that my husband so graciously washed. the cat is sitting near the pile....maybe she'll fold them, while i nap. 


February 06, 2012

let life guide you

blogs. a new world. a place to write and share. learn and grow. insprire and re-insprire.  

femme eclectique. one might wonder what that means. i still don't know. it came to me one day. it's the woman i am. eclectic. but i like the word better in french. and i also like the word woman in french too, so-that's where it all came from. i do speak french, so i feel warranted to have that choosing (not that i need warranting, but you know). my husband also speaks french- well, sort of. he speaks acadien. so it's a bit of a mix of french and english. i suppose i could have went that route, eclectique woman. but nope, femme eclectique is so much more me. and that's what i intend to be.

i've been reading lots of blogs lately. many different blogs and was reassured that like myself, some people start them without knowing exactly where it's all going. it's like life these days. starting things and letting life guide you, rather than always trying to guide life. if there's one thing i'm learning in life, it's that we have less and less control over things than we think we really do. as someone who likes control, it's a real learning curve for me. it's something i think i've always known, but have paid little attention to. instead i've just always planned, plannned, planned. however, throughout my indulgent practice of yoga i am learning to let go. this is not to say that planning is something one should not do. no, no. rather, it's all about balance. the balance of planning and learning to let go of that which we cannot plan or control. this planning and desire to plan with which i so inherently have been graced with is leading to positive changes in life.  i'm honing in on desires, needs to plan redirecting the energy to positive spaces.....i'll let you know where exactly that is....once i get there...i just know it's positive. i can feel it. i mean, i'm here and that's a start!

so this brings me to the main reason for this post:

planning our wedding-in three simple words: i loved it! absolutely LOVED it. every aspect, every detail. who knew a wedding brings forth so much growth-or at least it has the potential to, if you are willing to find it, listen to it, embrace it. that's what i did. i've always known that i love to plan things. planning our wedding taught me so much about myself and us as a couple. it's a day where you want to share your love with each other and your family and close friends. it's a reflection of who you are both individually and as a couple. that's exactly what our day was. since our wedding, we've both grown so much and of course will always continue to do so. for the course of our year engagement i checked several wedding websites, daily....okay...perhaps obsessively. but hey! that was all part of my journey to get me where i am today. it wasn't wasted time. it's was inspirational time. time spent rejuventaing my creative juices. which, i personally believe paid off pretty darn good in the end! our wedding was lovely. and i like to think it reflected us.  so, here's a taste of our wedding day.

i'm hoping this will be a space where i can share my love of all things vintage, wedding-ish, eco, musical, oceany, fashionable and the list goes on!

Here's a sneak peek  at a few of our wedding pics! All photos by http://www.laurenkayephotography.com/  check her out. she's fantabulous!

 my lovely ladies!
(their beautiful clutches with personalized inscription- made by http://www.oatmeallacedesign.com/)
 papa and i...i was nervous!
 love is happiness.
 grab a limb!
dancing. marvelous moment

stay tuned....
& remember...being eclectique, you never know what might blossom here.

February 01, 2012

sweet embrace

things are happening
life is turning
uncertain of where i'm going
feeling out the path
going somewhere good
i can feel its sweet embrace
oh precious life
bring me joy
to you i owe