June 18, 2012

evanescent presence...

it's been a long, yet seeminlgy fast few months. my no plan, plan for writing blog posts has been going as planned. while i've been aching to seek the quiet inside my mind, as a means to share my thoughts, projects, adventures and all the inbetweens with you, it seems my busy-ness of work-life, the tackling of yet another masters course and more work-life, inhibited me from sharing with you. now, i know, some of you may be thinking, "it's all about making the time to do the things we love". while i fully believe this statement to be true, the honest truth of the matter is, i had to choose what time i made for the things i love, inbetween completing the tasks that needed doing- have to pay those bills! and so,  my self-care time has been comprised of yoga, biking, reading, some running, lots of gardening, market visits, time with family, friends,meditation, quiet tea time and unsuccessful attempts at sleeping in. 

oh, and let's not forget the camera. although i have been a busy bee, i have almost always managed to capture some images through my lens, so that stories can be told, shared, revisted, loved and reloved ... 

as i drove
to the shore
for one last visit
i approached the door 

tears were perched 
upon my eyes
i held them back
i thought 
i would not cry

for happy times were had in there
christmas dinners, piano tunes,
smells of brown rolls swiveled through the air 

armed with my camera
in i went
feeling their evanescent presence 

the walls were bare
the rooms nearly free
of all that held the memories  

in the porch i used to play
where cans of food i once did lay 
it was my shop,
i sold for free 
sitting there took me back to that memory
where imagination and music was birthed into my soul
where a love for the shore and old homes soon did grow  

i captured  the details in every room
the stairs,
the doorknobs,
the wallpaper,
the latches,
the lights

i just wanted to hold on so tight

but days,
they come 
and then 
they go
and sometimes we have to

and so, i did
that day 
at home 

but i did not lose
for love remains 
in my heart
love of the memories
will never depart
from the depths of the minds
of all who lived and loved there
from the souls of 
of those lost
but quietly remaining
right here

where i used to play

etched in our minds

i can hear it now...
the phone i dialed too fast

where trinkets and treasure were found and found again


many-a-coiled ropes

many seeds he sowed

hang your hat, not your cap!

of moments here.

 it is comforting to know that the home we all loved and will forever love, is being warmed by two kind souls and a pup, with whom i long to meet...

thank you for being here with me on this journey. stay tuned for upcoming posts. my barrel is overflowing with inspiration and ideas. the tickle trunk is bottomless over here! 

femme x


positive comments welcome!