March 25, 2012


well, it's been almost a week since i've returned from my, oh. so. beautiful. retreat in seattle, washington. where i spent four days with amazing women i had only met for the first time. by the end of the retreat something so special had been created both within myself and within the group of us. something no one else would understand, unless you experienced all that we did in those days together. 

while i'm still digesting all that i learned, remembered and relearned from those inward looking days, i do know one thing. i'm seeing the world through new lenses. having had time to reflect on oneself is not something we take enough time to do. sure, i do yoga and during that hour on the mat, this is my time. this retreat was so much more than that. it was like four days of yoga plus a little more spice and love. i was able to reconnect with myself and really take some time to breathe. i can feel my senses hightened. my balance is regaining itself. i'm just feeling more. that's all there is to it. it's a wonderful feeling and i'm so thankful to have had the opportunity to fly over the oceans and spend this much needed time with such wonderful women of this world. 

you might be wondering exactly what i was doing over there anyway.....

i rested
i thought
i created works of art with my hands 
with color
with love
with ambition

i wrote poetry
it poured out of me as if my heart were a volcano
juicy, molten poetry lava is what i released 

i ate 
deliciously, yummy food. 
got back to my roots. 

i met beautiful women
with open hearts
wanting what we all want in life
to love and be loved
like and be liked
be happy and bring forth happiness 

i explored the beautiful woods of frog creek lodge
i gazed at the mossy green trees
alive like fire
green fire

i captured moments with my camera
i relished in my time with nature

i listened to the rain
again and....

a beautiful place in a beautiful world

i let myself be me
without judgement
i worked hard to let go of the powerful critic within  

i accpeted the present 
i released the past 
i embraced the future

i looked inward
seeked the quiet inside my mind 
i was present
present with me

here are a few captured moments of my time at the Be Present Retreat.  

 i love green
  light through the branches
 love rock
 light up your life with a smash of
 my new mantra
 reflections surround us...waiting for us to pay attention
 let go. let loose. play.
 love is everywhere...just look for it!
(Thanks Kelly Barton for finding this gem!)
 flowers brighten my world

poets making music with words

If you have a chance to take the time to .be. .present. at a retreat. do. it. Liz Lamoreaux is a fabulous woman. a creator (in many, many ways). a nurturer. a gentle soul. check out her site, etsy shop and blog! 

time to create space

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