June 23, 2012

unexpected inspiration...

it's amazing when inspiration can hit you. big or small, there's a need for it all.  as i felt this evenings warm breeze drift along, whilst pulling the endless weeds from our marvelous veggie garden, my gaze sauntered over to the four beautiful "new" doors my parents ever so kindly delivered to me this week. now, some people might think these doors would look more lovely next to the road for spring clean up. i, am quite thankful for those people who think in such a way, because i'm the scavenger who is excited to find such exciting roadside finds! and so, i believe the doors are real beauties. i just love the colors. and the oh-so naturally old, crackled paint. mmmm. just delicious.

this wasn't one of those moments where i was thinking about doing something to share for a blog post. that's not really how i work. instead, it was a moment when, at the end of my creating, i thought- darn it! i should have taken before and after pictures to show the transformation. but, when an artist is inspired and sets off to work; when you are truly in the moment of creating, there is no time for pictures. not for this artist, anyway. it wasn't something i was "thinking through" and quite frankly, i think that's when some of the greatest creations are birthed. and so it was, on this glorious evening that i transformed the plain old back of the garage (soon-to-be turned studio-more to come on that!) into something more than just a plain old back of the garage!  with a little help from my husband, the doors were taken from their slumped position, lying next to our deck, to a lovely little green space they would now call home. while i was manuvering them around, trying to center them "just so" and deciding if i wanted one door, two doors or three and which color sequence to put them in, i discovered a creeping vine (i'm not sure what kind it is exactly?). suddenly i felt like i was in the "secret garden". now, i know, my little green space does not compare to the images that still remain in my mind from the long ago days when i read that book. but that's what it made me think of. so, being the determined soul i am, i tugged and pulled at the precious vines. and there are many! they are deeply rooted, some of which have tried to take growth through the floor of our garage! without disturbing too much of the other growth that surrounded all the vines, i mananged to gently bring them to the light, from under the tall grass entanglement. they are just so lovely! i do hope they like their new location. and hope they don't mind me training them to grow upward to create a picturesque collage of leaves. 

so, in your mind, imagine the before pictures. three old doors all slumped (as much as doors can slump) against a deck, waiting to be given a proper home. now, imagine a back of a garage surrounded in front by weeds, tall grass and vines. there, you now have the before pictures! the other bits of decor i scrounged up from my collection of vintage finds, of which i also have many.

training the vines.

i just love the colors


hoping a bird finds a home in our bird cage
that once housed our wedding cards

weeds which led to my impromptu creating...
gardening truly cultivates the mind, body and soul..not just the soil ;)

we're hoping one day, there will be real garden doors coming out the back of the garage (which, by then, will be my studio!).  

what have you been inspired to do lately? take some time outside, with nature to allow your mind to simply drift off....maybe you weed a garden, or sit and sip a favorite beverage while listening to the beauty of the world that surrounds you, in whatever part of the world you might find yourself!
you'll be surprised where it might take you.... 

with gratitude,

June 20, 2012

sunday solitude...

as the blazing sun woke us from our gentle slumber, we could hardly believe we were waking up at the same time! a sunday together. something that's been unheard of since the opening of the luscious greens. i just love those mornings when you have nowhere to be and so, you can simply be at home. the covers warmth wrap around you like the hot sun on a summers day. the birds chirp, our "pet" pheasant-so typically nammed "fez" greets the morning with his usual bursts of enthusiasm, followed by two excited cats pouncing over our heads to the window to get a good look at their "friend". oh, we can't forget the trees swaying in the loving breeze. ahhhhh. yes. this was our  recent sunday-love. a delicious visit from mama sue and ally-dog where great conversation & moments were shared as we overlooked our gorgeous view of delightful green fields and  the magnificent towering trees. this is home to us now. 

as the day went on, we agreed we would not work on our seemingly long list of "around the house to-do's". you know what i'm talking about. that never ending list of things we want to get done. but when days together are precious and few and far between, the quiet your mind, together time takes prescendent. i love those days when you just get in the car and drive, without a plan. as a planner, this is sometimes hard. i'll even admit, while we were on our way i thought, "oh shucks... we didn't bring a blanket and we don't have a picnic packed, what ever will we do?!". i gently discarded these thoughts from my mind. because, it didn't matter that we didn't have all the "necessites" for this adventure. we had each other (so cliche, i know). that's all we needed. surely, some ice cream from "the look off" could curb our appetite for a few hours. and besides, we had had a deilghtful deck breakfast. so off we went, on our valley excursion..... 

"The Look Off"-beauty of a day!

clay-if i had had a bottle....my at home spa would be complete!
i'll be back...

yet another love rock....

looks graceful, right?....
define grace, then we'll talk.

this felt sooooooo good!

insert your own interpretation here...

water warm?

discovered scots bay's hidden gem!

love the sign!
more reasons why we love where we live...
leaving a note to let them know how wonderful this is!

over the moon excited about my greens!
(pun intended)
what a day was had. words can't explain how excited i was when we discovered this quaint vegtetable stand! i've been longing to have my own little veggie stand. moon tide, you are my inspiration!  namaste!

 if you haven't visited the shores of scot's bay, or the look off you really need to add it to your bucket list and check it off this summer. oh, and of course-while you're over there, swing by moon tide farm...believe me, you'll be happy you did!  

oh, and ps....the water was not at all that cold!

where will your next adventure take you?
just get in the car and go....

x femme x

June 18, 2012

evanescent presence...

it's been a long, yet seeminlgy fast few months. my no plan, plan for writing blog posts has been going as planned. while i've been aching to seek the quiet inside my mind, as a means to share my thoughts, projects, adventures and all the inbetweens with you, it seems my busy-ness of work-life, the tackling of yet another masters course and more work-life, inhibited me from sharing with you. now, i know, some of you may be thinking, "it's all about making the time to do the things we love". while i fully believe this statement to be true, the honest truth of the matter is, i had to choose what time i made for the things i love, inbetween completing the tasks that needed doing- have to pay those bills! and so,  my self-care time has been comprised of yoga, biking, reading, some running, lots of gardening, market visits, time with family, friends,meditation, quiet tea time and unsuccessful attempts at sleeping in. 

oh, and let's not forget the camera. although i have been a busy bee, i have almost always managed to capture some images through my lens, so that stories can be told, shared, revisted, loved and reloved ... 

as i drove
to the shore
for one last visit
i approached the door 

tears were perched 
upon my eyes
i held them back
i thought 
i would not cry

for happy times were had in there
christmas dinners, piano tunes,
smells of brown rolls swiveled through the air 

armed with my camera
in i went
feeling their evanescent presence 

the walls were bare
the rooms nearly free
of all that held the memories  

in the porch i used to play
where cans of food i once did lay 
it was my shop,
i sold for free 
sitting there took me back to that memory
where imagination and music was birthed into my soul
where a love for the shore and old homes soon did grow  

i captured  the details in every room
the stairs,
the doorknobs,
the wallpaper,
the latches,
the lights

i just wanted to hold on so tight

but days,
they come 
and then 
they go
and sometimes we have to

and so, i did
that day 
at home 

but i did not lose
for love remains 
in my heart
love of the memories
will never depart
from the depths of the minds
of all who lived and loved there
from the souls of 
of those lost
but quietly remaining
right here

where i used to play

etched in our minds

i can hear it now...
the phone i dialed too fast

where trinkets and treasure were found and found again


many-a-coiled ropes

many seeds he sowed

hang your hat, not your cap!

of moments here.

 it is comforting to know that the home we all loved and will forever love, is being warmed by two kind souls and a pup, with whom i long to meet...

thank you for being here with me on this journey. stay tuned for upcoming posts. my barrel is overflowing with inspiration and ideas. the tickle trunk is bottomless over here! 

femme x

June 04, 2012


just a quick check-in. all is well over here on this monday. life is journeying on with it's ups and downs, as i near the end of another busy work year. my heart is aching for summer vacation and my mind is boiling over with blog post desires. lots of mindful chatter and longing to have some "quiet my mind" time so i can share moments with you. but for now, work calls. knowing i will soon be gifted with time to seek the quiet inside my mind, this is what strengthens me. well, that and the brilliance of the sun, the organic smells of earth (i've been spending lots of theraputic time in the gardens...more to come on that!) and the gorgeous sunrises in the morning, as i'm stirred from my precious slumber by two hungry cats.

sprouting leaves
warmth of sun

while it's not visbily "sunny" outside in my part of the world today, i'm thankful for all the sunshine that is in my life. 
when you think beyond what's visible to you, it's amazing what sunshine we can find within and around ourselves.

where is the sun in your world today?
