May 07, 2013

i'm listening

when the world begins to speak to you.
you need to listen.
when you learn things about yourself.
you need to listen.
when life speaks it's truth.
you need to listen.
when the universe shows its signs.
you need to listen.

i'm listening.
to what i need.
i'm listening.
to part of me.
i'm listening.
to things inside.
i'm listening.
to the truth of my life's desire.

the truth is, for years. several years, my body, mind and spirit have been wondering what the raging glutenous, dairy and refined-sugar filled foods do to my body.  and while i've reached out to severeal avenues of holisitic medicine over the past few years (all of which often pointed me in the direction of a gluten-free, dairy free, refined sugar free lifestyle) i never really "knew". (or did i?). i never really knew if all the foods that contain all that "stuff" were really causing me as much internal grief as i thought they might be. i knew that sometimes  a lot of the time, my body would fight back. it would give me signals. and so, i'd do my best to give it what i thought it needed. however, life seemed to get in the way, with stops at the market for ice cream on a blistering hot day, delicious eats at my favorite local restaurant after a busy, stressful, i just need yummy food kind of week and of course the overwhelming feeling of "putting others out" because of my deeply-gutted suspicion that i shouldn't eat what was being served.  little did i know, the foods with which i've been eating have been having more of an impact on my body than i really, and i mean, really, knew. they weren't just causing occasional stomach upset, or embarrassing facial inflammation (yes, it's true),  or lethargy and bouts of moodiness (i know, imagine, right?). they've been doing much more. they've been causing internal dysnfunction  that i couldn't see. and you know what they say- "out of sight, out of mind", right? but now, i see. through traditional medicine, i can see.  

and so this brings me to another point in my journey. the point at which i've come to realize that it's entirely O.K. to combine both traditional and alternative medicine to meet ones health needs. i mean, yin and yang exist for a reason, right? 

as my journey continues, i've learned that the foods which are detrimental to my body have caused both internal and external grief.  and while i was listening as best i could, i hadn't yet lived through the event which would ultimately "convince" me that, yes. this is the route i must take. this is the path in which i must be on. this is my path.  

we are in control. and we must listen when the universe speaks. i could be upset with myself for not taking things more "seriously", sooner. but the truth of the matter is that i had done the best that i could have done, knowing what i knew, at that moment in time. the past is the past and in order to move forward, one needs to let it all go. 

and so i begin. or, i have begun. my mind is set. those days are done. 
days of sacrificing momentary tastes. 
days of guilty pleasure 
because someone else baked.
it's my life,
i've realized. 
my body. 
my mood.
my choice.
my right.
to eat what i choose.  

as with all moments in life, i like to think, all things are meant to be. (and yes, i have my moments where life hands me platters with which i question that very mantra). but something i've realized is that when we open ourselves up to new possibilities. things happen. and today, as i spoke with a lovely woman at our local natural foods store, i was reminded again of how life has its way. she too, eats a gluten free lifestyle. and so, like every gluten-free person will likely do, she introduced me to gluten-free recipes, more specifically this blogger:

her name is sarah b. 

she has heaps of wonderful recipes and videos, too. so i thought i'd keep passing on the information for you to view.  
i watched her video and these words, her words, resonated with me:
"With every bite of food we take,
we are voting, 
for the way we will look,
for the way we think,
for the way we will feel. 
Our food becomes us." 
-sarah b.

this is such a powerful message. so much truth. so much knowing. 

what's on your plate tonight?
