May 07, 2012


wholesome living
wholesome love
wholesome life

sometimes you just have to go for a drive....these cows were happy i did.
 i loved their energy.

well, in this moment of honesty, i'll admit, i'm struggling a bit with this post. it's like my brain is on overdrive and i feel like each of these pictures could be a post in and of themselves. and who knows, maybe they will be. i have so many thoughts i want to share and so little time to do as much as my brain wants to do! and then, i remember my yoga mantras.....breathe....and my most frequently used, as of late.....let. it. go. 
and so, i will.

my main purpose with this post is to share my wholesome saturday. i had a fantastic solo saturday. because sometimes. we just need a day of aloneness. i'm thankful to have had this time. i'm thankful i was brave enough to capture it through my camera lens.

wholesome saturday.  
with colorful textures
delicious greens
calming soaps
all the inbetweens
delicious noodles
fragrant cider
wholesome chocolate milk
over burning beeswax candles of desire
cheese infused with weeds of dill
sparkling toes
like candy frosted frills 
quiet cows grazing in the pasture
little lambies full of  life, love and laughter
mama sheep watching close by
protecting their loved ones
as i watch on & cry
tearful tears filled with happiness and joy
a saturday captured
a saturday full of pureness

such a gorgeous, creative space

color puts spring in your step
i'm just happy in this shop. it's ambience. its energy. it calls me.

there's so much this world has to offer. we can't be afraid. fear will hold us back from far to much for far too long. but you know, while we say all this, there is reason and meaning into the timing of fear. there are times when fear is necessary. even though it might hold us back, i like to think that in the "holding back" time, it's our time for something else, so that we can get to where we are going. i've been reading lots of books lately which talk about fear and the effects, often negative, it can have on our lives. but i think we also need to look at the positives it can have. remembering that it's all about balance. we require a certain amount of fear in order to move through life. it's when fear seeps into every facet of our lives that it becomes excruciatingly toxic. that's when we have to take a step back and find that balance. recoginize when the fear is too much. when it's truly interfering with our everyday lives. it interferes in our decisions, more often than we small ways, which can have big impacts over long periods of time.

i decided not to let fear stand in my way over the weekend. i've been reading here, there and everywhere about how we should do something that scares us, every day. while many of the things i did this weekend weren't something that scared me, i did do things i normally would be tempted not to do. small things, which all in one day- can amount to a lot.

have you stepped outside your "comfort zone" today?

pink toes is me stepping outside my comfort zone....

have you ever wanted to just snap pictures like no one was watching? i have a secret (or not so secret) love of taking photos and always have. i just love the art of photography. so, on saturday, i armed myself with my camera all day and decided to record my wholesome saturday. 
my first stop was the farmers market. my saturday ritual. i captured images of many of my favorite vendors. they were happy to have me capture their products. my photographs led to wonderful conversations. the market. my saturday morning social. 

.my favorite beeswax candles. 
beeswax candles burn, they clean the air like a great, natural, air purifier, and they are a link to a deep spiritual belief system
read more

absolutely delicious jams.....
your taste buds will thank you 
just like grandmas

bumbleberry... a household favorite! but there are so many fabulouso tastes for your buds!

where i buy our seeds for the garden
local yocal

delicious soaps used daily
bohemian bubbles

lots of wine in the valley

"The Noodle Guy" in action
seriously, these noodles are amaaaazing!

my all time favorite jewerly maker in the valley! 
(only available at the farmers market!)

i may or may not have a few pairs of earings...

okay, so i can't eat these....but they just needed to be documented.

this picture just makes me take a breath. 
 so innocent. 
so real. 

do you wish to live a more wholesome life?
you can. one step at a time.
perhaps you can make a wholesome goal for today, the week, this month. or maybe one for each!
do whatever you are called to this moment. right now.
let go of fear and let it bring you here. wherever here is for you.
find your way home.